Monday, July 21, 2008

The Study of Daniel

Reading: Daniel 1-3

Daniel (Belteshazzar)

Objective: Over the next few weeks we will read the whole book. Daniel starts off amazing and then gets in to a lot of prophecy. Let's try meditating on Daniel 1-3 first. As you read it, try and apply things to your own life. Ask the Lord to allow you to have favor at work, favor with the doctors, favor in financial decisions, and where else it may apply.

Chapter 1:17 God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.

Do you have understanding, knowledge, and wisdom in all area's of your life? Why did Daniel have this? What challenges did Daniel go through and how did his faith play a part of his outcome? Let's explore these passages. This book is filled with amazing truths, moves of God, and prophecy's. We should always stand for what is right. God is bigger than any punishment we could ever have, whether He delivers us or not. He is worthy of our trust. Let me know what you get from the reading.

Brief Description of Chapters 1-3
Daniel chapter 1 describes Daniel and his three friends being deported to Babylon and being “promoted” in the king’s service. Daniel chapter 2 records Nebuchadnezzar having a dream that only Daniel could correctly interpret. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a great statue represented the kingdoms that would arise in the future. Daniel chapter 3 records Nebuchadnezzar making a great statue and forcing everyone to worship it. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused and were miraculously spared by God despite being thrown into a fiery furnace.


Danielle Sanders said...

I am so excited to study the book of Daniel. He is one of my favorite people in the Bible. I believe that God gave Daniel so much wisdom because he is a true example of faith. He had so much faith in all that he did. He was greatly tried and blessed through his belief in God. We can all relate to Daniel because we are faced with trials each day. It should be our prayer to be like Daniel and have FAITH! Through our faith we will gain wisdom, and through our wisdom we will gain a closer relationship to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! What more could we ask for?

Tricia said...

Oh, Danielle I can hear the passion in your words. I am so excited you are happy to study such an amazing man of God. I particularly like 1:8 where Daniel purposed it in his heart not to defile his body and then God gave him favor with the chief of the eunuchs. Think about it in modern days...if we seek and obey God and purpose to fulfill His plan in our life, He will make a way for it to happen. For example, I am in sales. I can ask God for favor with my meetings and because I have purposed it in my heart to do the plan of God, He will supply that favor. This could be with doctors, family, and situation! God is the same today as He was in Daniel's time. That blows me away bc there are some pretty amazing things in this book that display God's power!! Can't wait to hear more and share more...

Tricia said...

I meant to include the word "any" in the above comment...any situation...sorry